Working with Complaining Students—and Their Parents
Regulation and Compliance, Risk Management, Student Affairs

Working with Complaining Students—and Their Parents 

Frequently, academic administrators encounter students who appeal grades, lodge academic complaints, ask for exceptions to academic policies, or otherwise voice dissatisfaction with their academic experience. Frequently, their parents or other family members accompany them, advocate for them, or even request meetings. These encounters force administrators to balance student interests with...
Freedom of Speech Issues: A Legal Primer for Academic Leaders
Legal Issues, Risk Management

Freedom of Speech Issues: A Legal Primer for Academic Leaders 

Today’s college campus is a laboratory for the US Constitution’s First Amendment provision declaring that government may not “abridge” a citizen’s individual rights with respect to five related freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Public colleges and universities must honor these rights and protect them, but private institutions are...
The Administrative Role in Managing Difficult Students: A Look at the Literature
Campus Safety, Risk Management

The Administrative Role in Managing Difficult Students: A Look at the Literature 

Community college administrators are responsible for many areas of the institutions they serve. Presidents, directors of student services, those in academic support, and deans and chairs of academic units are all charged with managing institution resources, administrating mandates from legislation, and responding to internal and external constituencies. Much of the...